GH (2019-on going)
23 January 2020
Finalist: Les Rencontres D’Arles Discovery Award 2022
Winner: PH Museum, Main Grant 2021
Finalist: Gomma Grant 2021

2021. In collaboration with Gal Cipreste Marinelli
As a child, Masina, nicknamed Hiroshima, because they was born on the same day as the bomb, was beated with stones in Vila da Penha, a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. Their appearance was too ambiguous. In another place and time, Gal starts to understand the processes of their own body, it’s transition and their trans non-binary identity. It all were often the reason for stirs in a deeply religious family. Gal was born on the same day as Harry S.Truman, the US President who authorized the bomb to be dropped. We think this is an expressive coincidence.